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ASTC 2019: Moonshots: Rendezvous with the Future (Encontro com o futuro)
21 21America/Sao_Paulo setembro 21America/Sao_Paulo 2019 @ 08:00 - 24 24America/Sao_Paulo setembro 24America/Sao_Paulo 2019 @ 17:00

Conferência Anual da ASCT 2019.
Be there with your team for the premier networking and professional development event designed for everyone who works in and with the world’s science centers and museums.
Be inspired by what you discover in the in-depth, preconference ASTC Intensives, be amazed by the ideas you pick up in the Exhibit Hall, be surprised by new ways of looking at your mission and operations, be challenged by the sessions presented by people passionate about the same things as you, be inspired by the keynote presentations, be energized by connections you make in the hallways and over meals and at the parties . . .
Be there…